A seat placed at Cricket Club to remember sportsman and friend
By Mairi Telford Jammeh
A group of friends spent Saturday afternoon at Langholm Cricket Club in glorious sunshine. They were there to celebrate the life of their friend Peter Bart-Smith who died earlier this year. Peter lived and worked in Langholm for many years.
A group of men who call themselves ‘The Last of the Summer Wine Walkers’, together with Peter’s family sponsored Saturday’s cricket match between Langholm and Stainton and unveiled a commemorative seat there in memory of Peter. The weather was beautiful, and they had a most enjoyable afternoon in good company.
Tom Stothart, a close friend of Peter’s, spoke at the event and said Peter had arrived in Langholm in 1969 and had loved his life here. On his retirement in 2012 he joined his friends in ‘The Last of the Summer Wine Walkers’ group and took part in their weekly Wednesday walks and also went with them on 5 week-long walking holidays. His last walk with them was in 2023 and he died in April 2024.
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