MUCKLE Toon Media, the owner of the Eskdale & Liddesdale Advertiser, has been awarded a grant of £10,000 to support the social enterprise.
Two other organisations in Langholm, Ewes and Westerkirk have also received funds from Muirhall Energy which is building the windfarm at Crossdykes.
Muirhall set aside £100,000 during the construction phase and invited groups to apply for grants.
In this second round of awards the company has distributed £27,000, leaving £59,700 in the pot.
The grant to Muckle Toon Media will go towards supporting a community-owned social enterprise delivering a 170-year-old newspaper to the surrounding rural population, while it actively improves the future sustainability of the project.
Mairi Telford Jammeh, project manager, said:“We’re delighted Muirhall Energy has decided to support the Eskdale & Liddesdale Advertiser as we move onto the next stage of trying to become a sustainable community enterprise.
“Muirhall has recognised that many community organisations such as ourselves need support to be able to provide key services to our communities in Langholm and Eskdale.”
The Eskdale Foundation has been awarded £5,000 towards the refurbishment costs of the former police station in Langholm, which will be used for affordable housing, including a flat suitable for a disabled person.
Margaret Sanderson, chairwoman, said they would use the money to employ a part-time administration assistant based in the foundation office in the sports centre.
Langholm Old Town Bowling Club receives £2,000 to replace the club’s boundary wall, which has deteriorated because of frost damage. A new wall will improve the visual aspect and the current health and safety issue.
Kate Turk said: “We will comepletely dismantle the wall and rebuild it. The club owns the bowling green so we have to think about maintaining the whole place and not only the green so this is a big help.”
Annandale Community Transport Services (ACTS), which also operates in Eskdale, is to get £7,500.
The grant will be used to replace a wheelchair accessible vehicle which provides transport to individuals, including transport to hospital appointments, both locally and outwith the region.
Mid-Annandale Football Club which has received £2,500 for new footballs, water bottles, first-aid kits, first-aid training and coaching courses.