New survey aims to gather opinion on what the town ACTUALLY needs
“Little more than five new houses have been built in Langholm in the past 30 years while around half of our housing stock goes back to the 1800s. We need to build houses fit for purpose and fit for the 21st century, otherwise the decline in our population will continue.”
With this somewhat blunt assessment, The Stevenson Trust announced they will support a survey of Langholm’s housing needs which will be undertaken over the next two months in partnership with South of Scotland Community Housing,
The object will be to gather the information necessary to enable vacant sites and derelict buildings to be converted into viable housing developments which meet the needs, present and future, of the town.
David Stevenson, chair of the Stevenson Trust said, “Converting vacant and derelict buildings such as the Reid & Taylor woollen mill or the old Primary School will be no easy task but Langholm has been through the mill in recent years with eight major employers closing their doors and the loss of well over 1,000 jobs.
To complete the survey either scan the QR code or go to
paper copies are available from Gillian on 013873 81066
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