Marquees are up, entries are made and there’s no rain in Saturday’s forecast
It might be tempting to think that once the structure and format of a show has been decided, following years should be really simple because all the decisions have already been made.
The logistics of deciding what goes where in the showfield will have been worked out, so with luck only a few tweaks should be necessary. Marquee sizes can be determined by the likely size of class entries and catering numbers can be estimated on previous experience.
So, it should be just a case of rinse and repeat – yes?
Well no. That might work in a country where the same weather conditions can be guaranteed from one year to the next – if such a place even exists any more in these days of climate change. But in the UK and perhaps especially in Scotland, show organisers have no such luxury.
Here in E&L territory we are looking forward – with fingers crossed and bated breath – to three much loved shows – the Holm Show on Saturday August 31, the Benty on Saturday September 7 and Langholm on Saturday September 28. Coming at the tail-end of Summer and even edging into Autumn, they’re all accustomed to being at the mercy of the weather and all three are old hands when it comes to coping with the conditions.
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