and other updates from Councillor Male
After many months of toing and froing between D&G Council and Scottish Water as to who is responsible for fixing the large sinkkhole on the road at the entrance to David Street from the Market Place, a fix is in sight.
Residents and businesses affected by the works have been notified by the council that work will commence on Monday, 16th September and is likely to last two days,
depending on the weather.
Parking around this area will be restricted and a one-way diversion route will be implemented with temporary traffic signals in place. Access to the Health Centre will be maintained during the works.
As well as the depression in the road being fixed, Cllr Male expects rubber parking stops to be placed outside First Bite café to stop cars encroaching the pavement and repairs to be done to the pavement at the Health Centre.
D&G Waste Services is now able to commence the Kerbside Battery Recycling Service This is an important step toward our commitment to sustainability and environmental protection.
Starting this week residents across the region will be able to conveniently recycle household batteries as part of their regular kerbside collection
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