Faw Side Community Group (FSCG) will be issuing a formal letter to the Energy Consent Unit (copied to both Dumfries and Galloway and Scottish Borders Councils) once the formal application for planning has been submitted by Community Wind Power for the Faw Side windfarm. This is anticipated to happen in May 2019.
The group is currently undertaking background research to support its case against the wind farm proposal. They are reviewing a number of Council policy documents to identify how to make the best case against siting the 200-metre-high turbines across the hills of Ewes and Teviotdale.
Individual group members will also be asked to submit their own personal letters to the Energy Consent Unit and copied to the two Councils at the appropriate time.
To help with preparations, topics which are planned for inclusion in the letter that is being compiled by the group, are being circulated to the members. This content list will be an agenda topic to be finalised at the next meeting.
It is suggested that content could be generated independently or jointly with other group members and could be on a specific topic collectively.
The next meeting of FSCG will be held on April 17 in Ewes Hall, at 7.30pm and anyone who has an interest in this planning application is welcome to attend.
FSCG Contact details: John@jaystudio.co.uk