The day of the 171st Langholm Show dawned and Langholm was blanketed in low cloud and drizzle. By eleven o’clock though, it was brightening up and the show field was ready to welcome visitors. By the afternoon the sun had come out and everyone was stripping off.
Arriving at the bottom end of the field the first area was dedicated to the sheep and there was undoubtedly tough competition in the pens with everyone observing the judging.
Further along were the Alpacas which are now resident at Glencartholm, just to the south of Langholm. These beautiful animals, related to Llamas, produce lovely wool.
Overall, the show had a great variety of stalls and things of interest for both people involved in agriculture and for everyone else and something for people of all ages.
Robbie Hislop gave a sheep shearing demonstration and the audience were invited to have a go. Several people did after a bit of persuasion and some ‘Dutch courage’. They were shearing the Romney x South Country Cheviot sheep from Burnfoot, Ewes with the owners Gill and Andrew Elliot looking on.
Alongside the shearing stand Gill had a stall showing her wares made from this lovely wool. It is good to see value being added to locally produced wool by the farmers themselves.
Read more in this week’s LANGHOLM SHOW E&L SPECIAL EDITION available at your Newsagent or available online by subscription. Click HERE