THE Look Out in Langholm High Street will hold a silent auction and exhibition of artists’ original postcards next Thursday.
The exhibition, Secret OutPost, will raise funds for OutPost Arts to help them continue the fantastic work they are doing in and for the community.
The postcards will all be original works of art by artists both local and from farther afield.
Kate Knott, committee member, said: “The support from the artistic community has been amazing. Postcards are flying in from all over the UK and the quality and range of artworks are brilliant.”
All postcards will be anonymous so it gives people a chance to buy works by some fantastic artists.
The sale will be in the form of a silent auction and everyone will have a chance to bid on their favourite postcards.
They are all signed on the back so it won’t be until someone buys a postcard that it is revealed whether they have made a great investment as well as bought a beautiful piece of art.
If any artists would like to get involved, please pop into The Look Out or call Kate on 013873 80830.
Some of the very generous local artists who have contributed so far include Michael Batey, Lucy MacLeod, Diana de Gruyther and Colin Blanchard.
The preview is next Thursday from 6.30pm to 9pm. Double Trouble Drinks will be there with their gin bar.
The exhibition and auction will stay open for further bids next Friday and Saturday from 10am to 4pm.