Parents give heartfelt thanks for Langholm bowls memorial
Last week, we reported on the inaugural Scott Morrison Memorial Open Pairs bowling competition, held in Langholm in memory of a promising young student from the town who died in a tragic accident in 2021.
We have since received a letter from Scott’s parents, Tommy and Diane Morrison, in which they wish to thank everyone involved in such a special day.
We are delighted to reprint their letter in full today.
‘We would like to sincerely thank everyone who helped make the inaugural running of the Scott Morrison Memorial open pairs bowling competition on 18th June, such a resounding success.
Firstly, to the New Town and Old Town bowls clubs, our thanks for their magnificent joint effort in staging this event played at both greens.
The organisers, greenkeepers, kitchen, and bar staff – who were all volunteers – made a superb job on what was a very busy day.
An entry of 64 pairs is a huge event to cater for and was carried out with great aplomb. The final was played at the New Town green and next year will be played at the Old Town green on an alternating basis each year.
The final was greatly supported, despite the descent of the midges at the end!
Secondly, a collection for charity was held at both clubs in lieu of holding a raffle, and a total of £602.05 was raised.
We are donating the money to Langholm ambulance station, whose staff were in attendance at Scott’s accident and to whom we owe a great debt of gratitude.
This total has since been boosted to £1,137.05 by further donations, including a very generous £200 from Bill and Jean Barbour.
Lastly, we would like to thank the supporters of the event. We are so grateful to the players, non-players, and also friends from near and far who made this a day to remember. This emotional day for us will live long in the memory and what a wonderful tribute to our son.
Scott would have been so proud.
Thank you,
Tommy and Diane Morrison.’