A LEADERSHIP award for young people in Eskdale is being launched.
The community leadership award is a partnership project led by the Xcel Project and will involve six community organisations in Eskdale.
The award will engage young people aged 14 to 24.
The award will focus on the youth work outcomes: young people are confident, resilient and optimistic for the future; manage personal, social and formal relationships; create, describe and apply their learning skills; participate safely and effectively in groups; consider risk, make reasoned decisions and take control; express their voices and demonstrate social commitment; and broaden their perspectives through new experiences and thinking.
They will commit to a volunteer placement with at least four out of the six organisations.
The minimum commitment for each placement will be 2.5 hours so a minimum volunteering commitment of 10 hours in total.
As part of the award, the young people will take a part in a CV workshop, gathering together all the information they have learned from their volunteer placements and either creating a CV or updating an existing one.
This will be followed by a final session to bring all the learning together and focus on the seven youth work outcomes.
To help with this, they will track their progress with an award diary so they can start identifying the skills they are using and the progress they are making through the award.
They will also sign up for the Saltire award and log their hours during the community leadership award.
Duncan Elliott of the Xcel Project said: “Once they have completed their award, they will receive certificates and, hopefully, they will have made a connection with one or two of the organisations, with which they have volunteered.
“This will lead to a further involvement with that organisation and maybe even a career further down the line or give them a better idea of the type of career they would like to pursue.
“We want to reinforce the basic work skills when working with the young people; like turning up on time, dressing appropriately, face-to-face interaction, asking questions if they aren’t sure and generally looking interested in what they are doing.”
The organisations involved are: Xcel Project, Langholm Initiative, The Buccleuch Centre, Muckle Toon Adventure Festival, OutPost Arts and D&G Active Schools.