With gardening columnist Helen Knowles of Tinnisburn Plants
As always it’s a real pleasure to see the garden slowing coming back into life after the winter. While there is always something of interest no matter what the season there really is nothing that compares to the emergence of the spring flowers as the days steadily lengthen and warm up.
The jewel like flowers of Hepatica nobilis are a real treat and if you can give these little plants fertile and moist, but not waterlogged, soil in the dappled shade then you too can enjoy their exquisite blooms. Hepatica nobilis, Hepatica nobilis var. pyrenacia, Hepatica transsilvanica and Hepatica x media (a cross between H. nobilis and H. transsil vanica) are all exceptionally hardy and will thrive in normal garden conditions. Flowers are typically pink, purple, blue or white and are all gorgeous.
These plants will self-seed under the right conditions and while relatively slow growing they will certainly re-pay your patience.
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