Plug pulled on original £10 million defences
In last week’s E&L, Cllr Denis Male reported that at a meeting of the Communities Committee of D & G Council the recommendation not to progress the Langholm Flood Protection Scheme was voted on and carried 14 votes to 8.
We have now had access to the full report of that meeting and include salient points in the report that follows
“At the meeting of the Communities Committee on the 6 December 2022 it was noted that a Flood Protection Scheme for Langholm has been developed through the outline design stage and has a preferred design.
However, in response to public feedback, arrangements were put in place to explore river management before making any further progress regarding the Flood Protection Scheme. River management meetings took place in December 2022 and July 2023.
“These meetings looked at issues such as sediment management and invasive plant species and not matters to specifically address the flood risk in Langholm.
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