DUMFRIES and Galloway Council leader Elaine Murray has called a full meeting of members tomorrow to consider swift measures to prepare the local authority for the coronavirus pandemic.
The council has been
co-ordinating a response alongside NHS Dumfries & Galloway and national partners for several weeks focusing on protecting people’s lives.
At the full council meeting councillors will be asked to suspend committees and set up a sub-committee of nine councillors on a proportionate basis.
The authority’s key priorities during this pandemic are to protect lives and to support the NHS board in any way it can, including sharing resources and redeploying staff with transferable skills.
It will support residents and communities, ensuring that priority services such as a waste collection and disposal are maintained.
It will protect jobs and the economy by providing advice and support and continue to work alongside regional and national partners.
Councillor Murray said: “The coronavirus pandemic is the biggest challenge our region has faced.
“The measures we’re taking will support the preparations which have been carried out by the council and NHS Dumfries & Galloway with national partners to prepare the region for COVID-19.
“Yesterday Rob Davidson, the depute leader, and I talked with opposition group leaders to secure agreement on how our council responds to the coronavirus.
“I’m grateful for the shared commitment to put party politics aside and focus on protecting lives, people and jobs.”
Phone surgeries
Eskdale’s MP and MSP David Mundell and Oliver Mundell say they will keep in touch with constituents during the crisis by holding regular phone surgeries.
While their constituency offices in Moffat and Lockerbie will be closed to the public, it will be almost business as usual for the father and son and their team, who will be largely home-based.
David said: “Safeguarding public health and trying to control the spread of COVID-19 has to be paramount in the weeks and months ahead.
“The impact of the necessary steps being taken by the government, NHS and other agencies is already having an impact on people and businesses.
“It is important for us to keep a dialogue with constituents and the phone surgeries are an effective starting point. We are here to help and to signpost to agencies which can offer specialist support.”
Oliver added: “This will be a very difficult period but people are resilient and have come through other major challenges, while looking out for the welfare of others facing difficulties.”
Constituents can contact David and Oliver by email, on their websites or by leaving messages on their office voicemail services.