By Scott McCarthy
LANGHOLM folk braved the unseasonal weather in Edinburgh last Wednesday to support Henry Jeffrey in his Bachelor of Music honours degree recital at St Giles Cathedral, the culmination of his studies at Napier University.
It was a joint recital and Henry was joined by fellow student Lucy Bolton on clarinet, whose selection comprised Krommer, Dunhill, Brahms, Morricone and Hess.
Henry showed his virtuosity through a selection of exacting pieces by Couperin, Messiaen and J S Bach in the first half followed by works by Mendelssohn, Reger and Langlais after the interval.
He displayed an impressive range of tonal colour throughout and his authoritative playing in the magisterial Hymne d’Actions de graces (Te Deum) provided a fitting climax not only to his part of the recital but also to four years of hard work.
Langholm should be very proud of their organist, coming as he does from the rich musical environment of the Muckle Toon.
The Town Band, Langholm Academy, the parish church, LAODS and Henry’s family have all played significant parts in his achievement but the greatest credit is due to him.
The good news is that we have the perfect opportunity to celebrate with him – on the last Friday in July.