The Rev Morag Crossan, Minister for Liddesdale Parish Church and Canonbie United Parish Church
HOW many times have you heard recently that Christmas is cancelled?
In a year like we have had, with plans cancelled and not being able to see our loved ones, we think and take stock of what is important to us.
Christmas means more this year. Christ came into a world just like ours.
There were the issues of his day to deal with and he experienced all the hurt, pain, joy and sorrow of life.
The light will still shine in the darkness this year, a year when we really need to feel hope, peace, joy and love.
The message of Christmas that love came into this world is so needed for us all this year.
Love which lasts and is not only for this Christmas time but also for all year round.
Hope will come, a hope that things won’t last like this forever. Better times will come for us.
Through the ages many people have tried to stop Christmas; from that first Christmas, when King Herod tried to stop it, to the Grinch.
The Grinch who wanted to stop Christmas by stealing folk’s joy, peace, hope and love.
The Grinch, whose heart was two sizes smaller. But even the Grinch realised that no-one could stop Christmas when they let that love in and here are his words:
“Then the Grinch thought of something he hadn’t before! What if Christmas, he thought, doesn’t come from a store. What if Christmas . . . perhaps . . . means a little bit more!”
Dr Seuss, How the Grinch Stole Christmas!
This year maybe Christmas will mean more to you and I wish you peace, hope, joy and love this Christmas and many blessings for 2021.