PROGRESS on redeveloping the Townfoot Sports Centre in Langholm continues.
During the COVID-19 pandemic the working group, who manage and co-ordinate the redevelopment project, are working from home and making progress, aided by consultant Robert Potter & Partners.
All the field surveys for the design feasibility phase have been completed.
This includes measured, condition and structural surveys, an engineer/services survey and a topographical survey of the area available as part of the
The design consultant is now drafting the project brief and developing layout options. The group expects to receive these by mid-April and they will be shared as soon as it is possible.
Meanwhile, the group is developing the framework for the business plan and drawing up a list of potential funders.
It hopes to make good progress this month.
During April and early May the project will discuss the development of layout options and draft reports with the design consultant it is hoped the design feasibility study will be completed by the end of May.
Campbell Scott, the group’s chairman, said: “The next step would be to communicate and discuss the design proposals with the community, ideally through a public forum such as meetings in various venues.
“However, given the current situation, this will probably be difficult to do. We will keep everyone fully informed of progress via the newsletter and updates on our Facebook page.
“We’ll also look at different ways we might be able to consult the community.”