ONE of the best show days in years produced a bumper crop of winners at the Benty last Saturday.
The Westerkirk Horticultural Society’s annual event makes up for its small size with quality entries from toddlers to pensioners.
The focus in the morning was on the sheep pens and, after some intense competition, judge Neil Manning of Biggar chose a Cheviot ewe lamb, shown by Wullie Nixon of The Cooms, as the overall champion.
The reserve champion was a Blackface ewe shown by Ron Weir of Westerhall Farm.
The cup for the best Cheviot opposite sex to champion was won by Neil Cavers of Hoghill.
The sheep farmers would be lost without their collies and this year the champion collie was Finn, shown by Otto and Thea Ewart, who were accompanied by their dad, Will, of Craig Farm.
In the vegetable section there was nothing to choose between two former champion growers John Sanderson of Bentpath and Bernard Provost of Eskdalemuir and they shared the trophy for most points.
Regular participant Margaret Caldock took the trophies for most points in industrial and craft work and for the best exhibit.
The children’s classes were very well supported as they made miniature gardens, decorated wellies, painted stones, vegetable animals and decorated necklaces and painted pictures.
Erin Grant had the most points and also won the trophy for the best painted stone. James Borthwick had the most outstanding exhibit.
After vigorous bathing and grooming, a wide variety of dogs lined up for the honours in several classes, including any other variety (not collies), children’s pet and terriers.
In the final were Ava Cubbon’s labrador, Brogue, Erin Grant’s spaniel, Briar, and Marjorie Pringle’s mostly Lakeland terrier Nipper. The champion was Brogue the labrador.
There were lots of activities during the day including ride the bronco bull, a bouncy castle, tug of war, face-painting, coconut shy, splat the rat and egg and spoon gymkhana.
The children’s sports were a big draw and there were lots of entries for the obstacle running races, wheelbarrow, sack and egg and spoon races.
Before the trophies were presented by Margaret Sanderson, Andrew Reid, chairman, welcomed everyone.
He thanked their president Mary Buckley and Ron Weir for the use of the field, the committee for their hard work, the sponsors, judges and exhibitors and everyone who went along for a day out.
Plants in pots and cut flowers: Heather Buckley Memorial Challenge Trophy for best 2 pot plants John Sanderson; John Scott Memorial Challenge Trophy for best begonia in show Lib McNeil; Silver Challenge Trophy for most points in plants and flowers John Sanderson; May Martin Trophy for best exhibit in chrysanthemums John Sanderson; Andy Dalgliesh Memorial Challenge Trophy for best exhibit in flowers Jimmy Kingstree; Nancy Park Perpetual Trophy for best bunch of wild heather Morag McGill.
Vegetables: Silver Challenge Trophy for most points in vegetable section John Sanderson & Bernard Provost; Megdale Challenge Trophy for best exhibit in vegetable section Wull Little; Tommy Moffat Challenge Cup for best flower garden Rob Hogg; Wullie Mackay Challenge Trophy for best kitchen garden Jock Grant.
Industrial and craft work: Buckley Challenge Trophy for most points in industrial and craft work Margaret Caldock; Bonese Challenge Trophy for best exhibit in industrial and craft work Margaret Caldock; Jean Pringle Memorial Trophy (for WRI members only) Diana Stewart.
Baking: E&L Silver Challenge Trophy for most points in baking Ila Jackson; Ella Jackson Trophy for best exhibit in baking section Hazel Johnstone.
Preserves: Dalgliesh Cup for most points in classes for preserves Russell Tod; Potholm Perpetual Challenge Trophy for most points in classes 152-160 Katrina Kenny.
Photos: Elliot Borthwick Challenge Cup for most points in photograph section Samantha Lamb.
Sticks: Garwald Cup for best stick in show Murray Playfair; Georgefield Cup for best stick in novice class Terry Alderson; Robbie Little Cup for best wood head stick Barry Frizell.
Children: Jack Armitage Challenge Trophy for winner of most points in children’s section Erin Grant; trophy for most outstanding exhibit in children’s section James Borthwick; Susie Cartner memorial trophy for best painted stone in children’s section Erin Grant.
Sheep: Arresgill Silver Challenge Cup for best Cheviot sheep Wullie Nixon; Lyneholm Challenge Cup for the best Cheviot of opposite sex to champion Neil Cavers; Effgill Challenge Cup for best Cheviot gimmer Ross Bell; Stennieswater Silver Challenge Trophy for best group of Cheviot sheep Lorraine Luescher; sheep shears for best Cheviot ewe lamb Wullie Nixon; John A Reid Memorial Trophy for best Cheviot tup lamb Neil Cavers; George Bell Memorial Trophy for best Cheviot ram Lorraine Luescher; Neil Manning Silver Challenge Cup for best Blackface sheep Ron Weir; Megdale Challenge Cup for best Blackface sheep of opposite sex to champion Elliot Cavers; Dunning White Silver Challenge Trophy for best group of Blackfaced sheep Wullie Tod; Coopers Shield for best Blackfaced ewe lamb Wullie Tod; P&J Metcalfe Challenge Trophy for most points in sheep sections Wullie Tod; Scott of Glendearg Challenge Trophy for overall champion sheep Wullie Nixon; E&L Challenge Trophy for reserve sheep champion Ron Weir.
Dogs: Dunning White Challenge Cup for best collie in show William Ewart; Hopsrig Challenge Cup for best pet dog Ava Cubbon with Brogue; Terrier Racing Shield Bob with Archie.
Scott Challenge Trophy for the fell race Alistair Hogg.