THE presentation of awards to the pupils, who painted pictures on the theme of Langholm Common Riding, was made during a special assembly in the primary school.
Lucy MacLeod, creative director of OutPost Arts had the difficult job of judging the pictures made by the P3, P5 and P7 pupils.
Karen Vidler said: “Well done to all the winners and a big thank you to Langholm Art Club for providing the prizes.”
The winners are: P7 1 Charlie Black; 2 Rebecca Hunter; 3 Morag Bonser. P5: 1 Martha Brown; 2 Braidon Tedham; 3 Antonia Brockley. P3: 1 Rory Irving; 2 Amelia Graham; 3 Michaela Devlin; HC Molly Henderson.
Two of the children had missed the concert in the church so were awarded their prizes at the assembly. They were Ashton McKinnel – athlete of the year; and Ava Greig P5 mathematician of the year.
The four pupils who recently took part in an engineering competition. They were Frederick Dobbie, Rory Irving, Maya Crossan Brown and Daniel Murray.
They had made and tested cardboard cars in class to see whether they could go in a straight line up and down slopes.
The football team of P5, P6 and P7 pupils who went to a football tournament in Lochmaben were also mentioned. They played three games before making it into the semi-finals where they were knocked out by Lochmaben.